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Контракты на международные продажи товаров по воздуху




Международная бизнес-операция требует точного и подробного основного контракта. Однако составление такого договора может быть дорогостоящим и длительным. Международная торговая палата, всемирная организация бизнеса, отреагировала на потребность рынка в надежной и справедливой модели, заключив Типовой международный договор купли-продажи ICC, который предлагает решение в виде набора четких и кратких стандартных договорных условий для самых основных международное торговое соглашение.

Хотя эта Модель обозначена как договор купли-продажи, она одинаково подходит для использования покупателями, поскольку она уравновешивает интересы экспортеров (продавцов) и импортеров (покупателей). Таким образом, он также может быть использован для так называемого соглашения о покупке.

Не только эти стандартные условия являются теми, которые будут применяться в случаях нарушения договора, существуют определенные конвенции, конкретно связанные с международной воздушной перевозкой грузов, такие как Варшавская конвенция 1929 года, Гаагский протокол 1955 года и Монреальская конвенция 1999 года. которые упоминают условия, связанные с обязательствами, обязательствами, документами и т. д.

Важно отметить, что наиболее важным документом в сделке, совершенной двумя сторонами в разных договаривающихся государствах с использованием воздушной перевозки, является авиагрузовая накладная, и эта тема является наиболее важной в данной академической статье.

Эта академическая статья разделена на 6 частей, начиная с международных договоров воздушной перевозки и связанных с этим тем; Правовой режим международных договоров купли-продажи товаров по воздуху, с упоминанием конвенций; Авианакладная; и, наконец, тематическое исследование, выводы и ссылки.

1. Международный договор воздушной перевозки

1.1. концепция

Международный договор воздушной перевозки - это соглашение между грузоотправителем или владельцем груза и перевозчиком, перед которым последний обязан и должен отправить груз грузоотправителю по месту назначения. Перевозчиком может быть авиакомпания или международная перевозочная компания.

Договор перевозки включает в себя прием грузового терминала груза авиакомпании в пункте отправления, физическое перемещение груза, весы, выполняемые рейсом во время поездки, а также доставку груза получателю в грузе. Терминал находится в стране назначения.

1.2. Характеристики

  • По обоюдному согласию: договор перевозки грузов формируется простым соглашением завещаний. Как только между сторонами есть согласие и согласие, необходимо выполнить договор, сделав перевозку в соответствии с указанными в ней условиями. Основное: полностью независим от других существующих соглашений о воздушном транспорте. Присоединение: официальное принятие от пользователя к условия перевозки осуществляются перевозчиком. Пользователь не может изменить эти условия из-за присоединения к контракту.

1.3. Ключевые идеи

1.3.1. грузоотправитель

Грузоотправитель или продавец (владелец товара) - это лицо или фирма, которые доставляют груз перевозчику для транспортировки товара получателю.

1.3.2. перепоручать

Грузополучатель или покупатель (будущий владелец товара после оплаты) - это сторона, названная грузоотправителем в транспортных документах (как AWB), заказ которой будет доставлен в порт назначения.

1.3.3. Товары или Товары

Неотъемлемый полезный и относительно скудный материальный предмет (изделие, товар, материальные товары, изделия), произведенный в результате производственной деятельности, которая будет продаваться между сторонами, чьи предприятия находятся в разных странах. Согласно КМКПТ термин «товары» не включает (а) товары, приобретенные для личного пользования, (б) на аукционе, (в) при исполнении, (г) акции, акции, (е) суда, суда, суда на воздушной подушке или самолет, (е) электричество. (Конвенция о договоре международной купли-продажи товаров, ст. 2).

Опасные грузы; это предметы или вещества, потенциально опасные характеристики которых определяются как вещества, опасность которых очевидна, например, кислоты, спирты, топливо, взрывчатые вещества, радиоактивные материалы и т. д. Также другие предметы и вещества, ежедневно используемые в быту, такие как предметы одежды для споттинга, аэрозоли, термометры и т. Д. (Варшавская конвенция, 1929 г.).

1.3.4. Перевозчик

Перевозчик - это человек, который обязуется переместить что-то из одного места в другое в обмен на цену, называемую фрахтом.

1.4. Обязанности сторон договора воздушной перевозки

1.4.1. Обязанности Перевозчика

В соответствии с договором воздушной перевозки перевозчик несет основную обязанность принимать товары и перевозить их воздушным транспортом в согласованное место и в согласованное время, а также доставлять груз получателю в том же состоянии, в котором он был получен.

Это подразумевает две основные услуги:

к. Физическое движение товаров; который включает в себя предоставление подходящего транспортного средства, осуществление перевозки в течение согласованного времени или, в случае отсутствия соглашения о разумном сроке, и использование разумно прямого маршрута.

В авиатранспорте очень мало шансов, что отправитель и перевозчик согласятся на конкретное время доставки товара. Это, однако, не означает, что время не является критическим фактором, заставляющим отправителя выбирать путешествие самолетом, а не переходить на другие виды транспорта. Обычно товары для воздушного транспорта особенно чувствительны ко времени доставки, либо потому, что это скоропортящиеся товары (цветы, фармацевтические препараты и т. Д.), Либо потому, что в случае запасных частей или запасных частей их необходимо срочно заменить. Таким образом, авиаперевозчик должен учитывать эти характеристики воздушного груза при выполнении перевозки, так что чрезмерная задержка в перевозке груза до места назначения будет нести ответственность перед перевозчиком за задержку доставки.

Относительно разумного прямого маршрута также ожидается наличие работающего конвейера, заключенного по прямой траектории полета, то есть без весов. Тем не менее, он должен пересмотреть условия контракта, который часто содержит положения о вставке несущей, которые предоставляют широкие возможности для создания шкал и даже для неправильного использования.

б. Уход и сохранность товара при транспортировке; Чтобы выполнить это основополагающее обязательство, перевозчик должен знать о характере груза, поскольку эта информация доставляется и упоминается отправителем во всех соответствующих документах при передаче груза перевозчику.

Если груз требует особой заботы, это обязанность отправителя выразить перевозчику и предоставить перевозчику необходимые инструкции для выполнения его обязанности по уходу и сохранности груза. Логично предположить, конечно, что в отношении товаров, которые заслуживают особого внимания, стоимость груза может возрасти.

1.4.2. Обязанности Отправителя

Обязанность грузоотправителя заключается в предоставлении необходимой информации о мерах предосторожности, необходимых для ухода и сохранности доставляемых товаров, в дополнение ко всем документам, связанным с грузом, необходимым для выполнения местных таможенных требований, разрешений на здоровье (если необходимо) и т. д. «Перевозчик не обязан выяснять правильность или достаточность такой информации или документов» (Варшавская конвенция 1929 г., ст. 16 (2)).

2. Правовой режим договоров международной воздушной продажи товаров

1.1. Варшавская конвенция 1929 года

Основные правила международной перевозки грузов воздушным транспортом, пассажирами и багажом содержатся в Варшавской конвенции 1929 года.

Первая международная воздушная конвенция, «Конвенция об унификации некоторых правил, касающихся международных воздушных перевозок», была подписана в Варшаве в 1929 году. Конвенция направлена ​​на унификацию правил международных воздушных перевозок.

Эта конвенция вступила в силу 13 февраля 1933 года и была принята 151 государством. На сегодняшний день это самая принятая международная конвенция. (ЮНКТАД, Воздушные перевозки грузов, 2006 г.)

Эта конвенция «Применяется ко всем международным перевозкам людей, багажа или грузов, выполняемым воздушным судном за вознаграждение. Это в равной степени относится к безвозмездной перевозке воздушным судном, выполняемой авиатранспортной компанией ». (Варшавская конвенция 1929 г.)

Варшавская конвенция 1929 года обеспечивает всеобъемлющую структуру единого режима ответственности, применимого к требованиям международного воздушного транспорта.

Основные области в этой конвенции могут быть кратко изложены следующим образом:


  • Standardizes particulars to be included in the documents of carriage;Creates a penalty for non-compliance with the particulars to be included in the documents of carriage, (carrier loses monetary cap limiting his liability);Sets out rules whereby the claimant does not need to prove the fault of the carrier, or his agents, in respect of a loss;Specifies a limited number of defenses to liability for the benefit of the air carrier;Fixes a monetary cap limiting the liability of the air carrier. The monetary cap is 125,000 gold francs (about US$ 5,000 at the rates of exchange prevailing in 1929) for passenger injury or death, 250 gold francs (about US$ 10) per kilogram for loss or damage to cargo or registered baggage and 5,000 gold francs (about US$ 200) per passenger for unregistered baggage.Defines the circumstances in which the carrier may lose the benefit of the monetary cap limiting his liability;Sets out rules as to time limitation and jurisdiction;

Provides for the exclusive application and mandatory effect of the rules laid down.

The provisions of the Warsaw Convention 1929 are of exclusive application and have mandatory effect. This means that in circumstances where the Warsaw Convention 1929 applies to a particular claim, a claimant can only rely on the liability rules of the Warsaw Convention 1929.

1.2. Hague Protocol 1955

The Hague Protocol 1955 modifies the Warsaw Convention 1929. The Hague Protocol 1955 doubles the monetary cap on the carrier’s liability in respect of passenger injury or death from 125,000 gold francs (about US$ 5000) to 250,000 gold francs (about US$10,000). However, the Hague Protocol 1955 does not change the financial limitation of the carrier’s liability in respect of cargo and registered baggage (which remains at 250 gold francs, about US$ 10), or in respect of unregistered baggage (which remains at 5,000 gold francs per passenger, about US$ 200). Some other innovations of the Hague Protocol 1955 include the following. (UNCTAD, Carriage of Goods by Air, 2006)

The Protocol:

  • Simplifies the particulars to be included in the documents of carriage, however, maintains the penalty for non-compliance with the particulars to be included in the documents of carriage (carrier loses monetary cap limiting his liability);Specifies that legal costs are excluded from a claimant’s award of damages;Introduces an incentive for out of court settlements.

The Hague Protocol 1955 provides that if a State becomes a Contracting State to the Hague Protocol 1955, but is not a Contracting State to the Warsaw Convention 1929, this «should have the effect of adherence» to the Warsaw Convention 1929 modified by The Hague 1955 called now «Warsaw-Hague Convention 1955». (UNCTAD, carriage of goods by air, 2006)

The Hague Protocol 1955 entered into force on 1 August 1963 and has been adopted by 136 States.

1.3. Montreal Convention 1999

The Montreal Convention 1999 provides that it «shall prevail over any rules which apply to international carriage by air», according to Art. 55 Montreal Convention 1999, as between Contracting States to the Montreal Convention 1999, which are also Contracting States to one or more of the Warsaw-system conventions. Thus, as between States, which are Contracting States to any one of the Warsaw system conventions, and the Montreal Convention 1999, the Montreal Convention 1999 takes precedence.

The Montreal Convention 1999 entered into force on 4 November 2003 and has, to date, been adopted by 70 States. The fact that such a large number of states have adopted the Montreal Convention1999 in a relatively short period of time illustrates the need for greater uniformity in the field of air law; it also suggest that the Convention has achieved the right balance between the conflicting interests of the different parties involved in air transportation.

2. Determining the applicable international air convention.

As is evident from the above overview, there are different legal regimes which may be applicable to a claim arising from the international carriage of goods by air. Whether the Warsaw Convention 1929 or the Montreal Convention 1999, is often a complicated question.

In all cases, the trigger for the application of any of those international air conventions and its corresponding legal regime is the concept “international carriage”. There is a single definition of international carriage, which has not been changed by the various amendments to the original Warsaw Convention 1929. To determine whether a specific contract is international carriage, making one of the two international conventions applicable, there is a two-stage inquiry, which is complex and in practice often creates considerable difficulty.

First, is necessary to determine whether the carriage comes within the technical concept of international carriage defined as (by the two conventions):

(i) The agreed place of departure and the place of destination are situated within the territories of two Contracting States, whether or not there is a break in the carriage or a transhipment;

(ii) The agreed place of departure and the place of destination are situated within the territory of a single Contracting State, if there is an agreed stopping place within the territory of another State, whether or not this is a Contracting State. (UNCTAD, Carriage of Goods by Air, 2006).

Secondly, it is necessary to check that the states of departure and destination are contracting states to the same version of either the Warsaw Convention 1929 or the Montreal Convention 1999. Therefore, it is imperative to study the Airway Bill closely to ascertain the agreed places of departure and destination, as well as any agreed stopping place, and to determine whether these meet the requirements set out in i) or ii) above. In cases where the requirements for international carriage do not apply, then none of the international conventions is applicable. Therefore, national law or the terms of the contract (i.e. terms and conditions printed on the air waybill) will be applicable.

The term High Contracting States or, changed later by the Montreal Convention, Contracting States has induced a conflict in respect to the meaning of this concepts. Tapia Salinas indicates that the logical way to consider two parties as contracting states, are not only those who signed the convention, but also the ones that later on rectified it or adhere to the conventions.

3. Air Waybill

3.1. Introduction

The contract for air transport is concluded between a user and an airline, which the airline commits to move from one place to another by air, certain goods for delivery to the addressee or consignee, after complying with the provisions of the Act General of Customs and its Regulation.

The air transportation contract includes from acceptance of cargo at a terminal designated by the airline at the point of origin to delivery to the user or his representative in a terminal also designated by the airline to the destination. In any case the charge is delivered on the platform or ramp maneuvers airports (DS No. 050-2001-MTC, Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Law No. 27261 of Peru).

International air transport is regulated by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air 1999 (Montreal Convention), the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944 (Chicago Convention), the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules International Air Transport 1929 (Warsaw Convention), approved by res. Leg. No. 24819; Civil Aeronautics Law of Peru and its Regulations, the General Customs Law and its Regulations, and as noted in the RAP 112.

The air waybill is by far the most essential document issued in respect of the international carriage of cargo. It evidences the contract or agreement of international carriage between the parties and plays a central role in the liability regime. In current practice, air waybills are usually not negotiable. This is explained by the speed of air transport, which means that there is normally no need for a document, which enables sale of goods in transit. (UNCTAD, Carriage of Goods by Air, 2006).

3.2. Definition

The Air waybill can be defined as a document made out by or on behalf of the shipper, which evidences the contract between the shipper and the carriers for carriage of goods, by air and specific goods between places and conditions expressly determined.

3.3. Classification

(1) According to the classification Carrier Name

(a) Airline Air Waybill

Printed plane ticket (emission carrier) name and logo (emblem aircraft, code, etc.) of the air waybill.

(b) Neutral Air Waybill

Without preprinted name and logo of any company in the consignment the consignment. AWB constitutes neither an airline is neutral letters bearing.

(2) According to the classification of different roles

(a) Air Master Air Waybill (MAWB)

When the delivery note issued by the air transport company called Master Air Waybill.

(b) House Air Waybill HAWB

Company of transportation of goods by aircraft Published a roadmap of each carrier for operates businesses.

3.4. Functions performed by the Airway Bill

Besides being a document, which accredits the contract of carriage, the air waybill serves in turn to perform the following functions:

  • It is a Proof of receipt of goodsContains the list of shipment, in which all the documents accompanying the shipmentIt is the invoice for freight and fees charged by the airline.It is a commercial document required for customs clearance.It is a commercial document required by the payment of the letter of credit or documentary collections.Used to accredit direct shipment of the goods and, that way, comply the rules of origin to be subject to tariff preferences.

3.5. Requirements of the Airway Bill

It is a document that certifies the international air transport agreement, in which all registered information must be complete and valid; it is composed of the following requirements:

  1. Shipper or exporter.Name of consignee.Number of flight and destination.Airport departure and arrival.Details of cargo: weight, volume, quantity, price and description.Indicate if the freight is paid at origin or destination.Amount of freight.Number of air waybill.Date of issue.

It should be contain information required by the aeronautical technical regulations and standards, In the sending of the air cargo and issued the corresponding letter Porte that protects must be documents which originate as a result of it, for example commercial invoice, certificate of origin, packing list etc. and these are delivered to importer in the country of destination together with the original Porte Charter The consignment, unless proven otherwise, the receipt of the cargo by the airline and transport conditions; can replace the document by other electronic means, The absence, irregularity or loss of the consignment note, or a breach of contract does not invalidate the existence of the contract of carriage, which may be credited with any other evidence, under the responsibility of the carrier.

International air transport is regulated by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air 1999 «Montreal Convention» means the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1944 «Chicago Convention» means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules International Air Transport 1929 «Warsaw Convention», approved by Legislative Resolution 24819; Civil Aeronautics Act of Peru and its Regulations, the Customs Act and its Regulations, and as noted in the Aviation Regulation No. 112 of Peru, known as RAP 112. In our country, the Air Charter has the Porte scope of a Title value, remains applicable Law 27287.

3.6. Structure of the Airway Bill

The air waybill consists of a series of standard forms of green, pink, blue, yellow, and numbered forms with the same content. Pages 1, 3 and 4 are considered original and the back of each contract terms are specified, this is distributed to other operators engaged in air transport in the following way:

The «original 1 (green)» is for the airline issuing the air waybill.

The «original 2 (pink)» is for the consignee.

The «original 3 (blue)» is for the consignor.

The «Copy 4 (yellow)» is the certification of cargo delivery to the consignee.

Additionally, there white copies required for transport. The relevant provisions are set out in the Montreal Convention and on the conditions of the contract.

The AWB is not a document of title to the goods; it does means that not transfer any property rights over the goods. Therefore, the airway cannot be issued «to order» and declare the consigned by name and exact address.

The contract of carriage evidenced by the AWB, has no legal force until it has been signed by the user (or his agent) and the carrier (or its agent) and ends with the delivery of the goods to the consignee at the point of destination.

3.7. Conditions on the carrier’s liability for loss, damage or delay of goods, including fragile or perishable goods; must file a claim or bring an action against the carrier for its acts or omissions or those of its agents; Rights of the carrier and limitations concerning delay or failure to perform service, including schedule changes, sub-stitution of alternate carrier or aircraft and rerouting.

3.The agreed stopping places (which may be altered by carrier in case of necessity) are those places, except the place of departure and place of destination, set forth on the face hereof or shown in carrier’s timetables as scheduled stopping places for the route. Carriage to be performed here under by several successive carriers is regarded as a single operation.

4. For carriage to which neither the Warsaw convention nor the Montreal convention applies, carrier’s liability limitation shall not be less than the per kilogram monetary limit set out in carrier’s tariffs or general conditions of carriage for cargo lost, damaged or delayed, provided that any such limitation of liability in an amount less that 17SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) per kilogram will not apply for carriage to or from the united states.

5.2. When no part of the consignment is delivered, a claim with respect to such consignment will be considered even though transportation charges thereon are unpaid.

7. 7.1 in cases of loss of damage or delay to part of the cargo, the weight to be taken into account in determining carrier’s limit of liability shall be only the weight of the package or packages concerned.

7.2. Notwithstanding any other provisions, for “foreign air transportation” as defined by the U.S transportation code:

7.2.1. In the case of loss of damage or delay to a shipment, the weight to be used in determining carrier’s limit of liability shall be the weight which is used to determine the charge for carriage of such shipment and;

7.2.2 In the case of loss of damage or delay to a part of a shipment, the shipment weight in 7.2.1. shall be prorated to the packages covered by the same air waybill in whose value is affected by the loss, damage or delay. The weight applicable in the case of loss or damage to one or more articles in a package shall be the weight of the entire package.

10. Receipt by the person entitled to delivery of the cargo without complaint shall be prima facie evidence that the cargo has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage.

10.1.1 in the case of damage to the cargo, immediately after discovery of the damage and at the latest within 14 days from the date of receipt of the cargo.

10.1.2 In the case of delay, within 21 days from the date on which the cargo was placed at the disposal of the person entitled to delivery.

10.1.3 In the case of non-delivery of the cargo, within 120 days from the date of issue of the air waybill, or if an air waybill has not been issued, within 120 days from the date of receipt of the cargo for transportation by the carrier.

10.2 such complaint may be made to the carrier hose air waybill was used or to the first carrier or to the last carrier or to the carrier, which performed the carriage during which the loss, damage or delay took place.

10.3 Unless a written complaint is made within the time limits specified in 10.1 not action may be brought against carrier.

10.4 Any rights to damages against carrier shall be extinguished unless an action is brought within two years from the date of arrival at the destination or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived or from the date on which the carriage stopped.

4. Case Study

The following case is a supposition about what would do “ROSATEL” company (located in Lima, Peru) if had a problem with the import of flowers by air, in this case delay of delivery of roses by “FLYINGFLOWERS” company (located in Watergate, UK). Mainly this case going to show the following phases: the realization of the international contract, how affect this problem to the contract, what is the solution of the problem.

Phase 1: Realization of the international contract

Request of the product (roses):

The logistics area of «ROSATEL» company requires 80 boxes of 12 red roses each one, by air cargo. The logistics area makes a requisition Nº 5672015 to the “FLYINGFLOWERS” company; in this application, the characteristics of the roses as variety, color, steam length, size button, and vase life are emphasized. “FLYINGFLOWERS” company receives the requisition and sends back to “ROSATEL” company a quote with the characteristics below which serial number is FMQ-2015629. Finally, “ROSATEL” company accepts quotation.

  • Variety: FreedomColor: RedSteam Length: 50-60 cm.Size button: 5.0 – 6.0 cm.Vase life: 10 days

Purchase order/ contract

“ROSATEL” company sends an e-mail to “FLYINGFLOWERS” company the acceptation of the quote, attaching a purchase order. So “FLYINGFLOWERS” sends the international sale contract with the terms and conditions (annex 1), in addition, in the contract specify the following points:

  • Port: “Jorge Chávez” Airport, Lima, PeruPlace if delivery: ROSATEL´s warehouseTransportation: air transport – LAN airlinesIncoterm: DDPPrice: $7,500.00Date: February 6thDelivery date: February 13th at 12:00 hours

Both parties signed the contract on Saturday, February 13, 2015. All the documents mentioned before were realized electronically. In addition, all the information above is printed on the air waybill.

Phase 2: The problem

Origin of the problem

LAN Airlines, which services were contracted by “FLYINGFLOWERS” company, provided the transport of the merchandise. So when the merchandise arrived to Lima, on Saturday, February 13, at 11:00 hours, was in perfect conditions, the problem was the warehousing; it was just a couple of hours that the merchandise was not under the correct temperature because the necessary documentation of the merchandise wasn´t ready yet.

Effect of the problem over the contract

So finally the merchandise arrived at ROSATEL´s warehouse as was agreed on the contract (incoterm DDP), on February 13th, at 14:00 hours, obviously the delay of the merchandise was not longer, but affect to the merchandise, because the roses were almost 2 hours without the correct temperature, suffered damaged, in this case the wilting, which is practically a lost for “ROSATEL” company. So “ROSATEL” company gets in contact with “FLYINGFLOWERS” company and informs about the problem and request compensation and the avoidance of the contract. “ROSATEL” lost its merchandise because of the delay of the delivery and wants avoid the contract and claim compensation because lost the sale of a lot of orders in a date where Rosatel´s products were highly demanded, Valentine´s Day, which is a lost for the company.

Phase 3: Solution of the problem

The ruling resolved married in due course: “First ´FLYINGFLOWERS´ Company has to pay compensation for damages to “ROSATEL” company the same amount plus the 50% of the amount printed in the commercial invoice; and the avoidance of the contract. According to articles 30 and 35 of Vienna Convention obligating the seller to guarantee timely delivery of goods and documents related to them, all in accordance with the contract; and the transfer of ownership, free of any claim by third parties on the same. But, according to article 18.2.of Warsaw Convention, the carrier is liable for damage sustained in consequence of destruction, loss or damage to the goods, provided that the cause event has occurred during air transport. The period during which the cargo is in the custody of the carrier, whether in an aerodrome or on board an aircraft or in any place for a landing outside the aerodrome. So ´FLYINGFLOWERS´ Company has to claim compensation to the carrier, LAN airlines, for damages. Also according to article 13.3 and 52 of Montreal Convention, ´FLYINGFLOWERS´ Company can reject the charge that it has an abnormality or simple will; you can claim compensation for delay in delivery for more than 7 calendar days.

5. References

  • Warsaw Convention 1929.Montreal Convention 1999.United Nations Conference on trade And Development (2006) “Carriage of goods by air: A Guide to the International Legal Framework” Retrieved from http://unctad.org/en/Docs/sdtetlb20061_en.pdfUnited Parcel Service UPS. Air Waybill. Retrieved from http://www.ups.com/aircargo/using/services/supplies/airwaybill.htmlMinisterio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (2009). “Guía de Orientación al usuario del transporte aéreo”. Retrieved from http://www2.congreso.gob.pe/sicr/cendocbib/con4_uibd.nsf/22853E566072CB2F05257DE2007925C0/$FILE/Gu%C3%ADa_Orientaci%C3%B3n_UsuarioTransporteA%C3%A9reo.pdfInternational Air Transport Association-IATA. Retrieved from https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/pages/air_waybill.aspxVicente Guzmán, J. (2003). “Aspectos Generales del Contrato de transporte aéreo Internacional de Mercancías”. Retrieved from http://www.emercatoria.edu.co/paginas/volumen2/pdf01/aspectos.pdfUribe Calderón, D. (2011). “El contrato de Transporte Aéreo Internacional: Análisis Comparado”. Retrieved from
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